Westmalle Dubbel

Country - Westmalle Dubbel
Country Bélgica
Style - Westmalle Dubbel
Style Trapense
Aroma - Westmalle Dubbel
Aroma Notas de Chocolate, Caramelo, frutos secos
Color - Westmalle Dubbel
Color Cobre Escuro
Alcohol - Westmalle Dubbel
Alcohol 7%

Westmalle Double is a top-fermented beer, re-fermented in the bottle. This beer is the oldest Trappist from Westmalle Abbey, it has been on sale since 1856. It has a dark reddish-brown color, a rich and complex flavor with herbal and fruit notes. Its taste is slightly bitter and it has an alcohol content of 7.0%.

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