Cuvée des Trolls

Country - Cuvée des Trolls
Country Bélgica
Style - Cuvée des Trolls
Style Especial
Aroma - Cuvée des Trolls
Aroma Frutado
Color - Cuvée des Trolls
Color Vermelha
Alcohol - Cuvée des Trolls
Alcohol 7%
Brand - Cuvée des Trolls
Brand Dubuisson

Cuvée des Trolls is a Belgian beer created in the Le Brasse-Temps cellars founded by Brasserie Dubuisson in Leuven-la-Neuve.

One of the oldest breweries in Wallonia, since 1769 it has been creating beers with the same recipe for 75 years.

A traditional Ale-type beer with a golden color that creates an extensive layer of white foam, a sweet flavor obtained thanks to the dried orange peel used during the boiling process, also giving it pure and fresh aromas. Its flavor is fruity even though it is a strong, light and easy to drink beer with a somewhat bitter finish.

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